Sunday, July 19, 2009

Harriet Tubman, Rebel, Spy, Activist, 1820-1913

Harriet Tubman was born a slave and she was routinely beaten by her masters. When she was 15 years old, Harriet tried to help a runaway slave. The overseer hit her in the head with a lead weight, which put Harriet in a coma. It took months for her to recover, and for the rest of her life, Harriet suffered from blackouts. By the way, Harriet was only five feet tall. In 1849, Harriet escaped from slavery. She eventually became a "conductor" on the Underground Railroad � a system developed by a secret group of free blacks and sympathetic whites to help runaway slaves get to free northern states. Harriet Tubman led more than 300 slaves to freedom.

Article by Alexander S

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